Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Ask Erik: Episode Forty-Four

Here at Ask Erik we've spent a lot of time reading novels and comic books, playing video games, and watching television and movies in order to amass a deep vault of pop culture knowledge.  While constantly trying to still gather new information, it seems only prudent to share some of what we learned to help solve some of the world's greatest questions.

Holy cow, is there a chance we'll actually have a budget soon for the country?  How exactly do they replace a knee in the human body?  Why does China only have one time zone when it geographically covers four?

Once a week Erik tackles a question asked to him and tries to answer it in a method that handles the topic with the respect and attention it deserves.  Failing that, he'll at least try to make it funny so you don't regret the time spent reading it.

To Erik: Have Deathstroke The Punisher and Lady Shiva ever fought?   If so, who won?

Nope!  Well, that was quick.  Good thing, cause today has been pretty hectic.  I-

Who would win?

...curse you.

Well, now that the magic Internet voice has completely ruined my chances of simply wrapping this up and curling up with a cup of hot cocoa watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, I guess I'll have to break it down.

Deathstroke the Terminator, when he was first introduced was nowhere near the powerhouse he is today (or as I assume he is in the new 52 universe).  It was only after he received his own series in the 90s that they really started to amp up his capabilities, and I think they gave him come kind of serum that boosted his strength and speed and his ability to heal much, much faster than normal.

Lady Shiva, on the other hand, I've discussed before.  She's either near the top or is the top of the DC Comics master martial artists lists, and one of the only people who not only makes every hero she faces pause when they see her, but even other villains hesitate when she shows up, in case someone hired her to kill them as revenge for something they've done.

So, I guess it really comes down to a guy who's a very good fighter and has the edge on strength and speed versus a woman who's one of the best fighters in the world.

Now, to his credit, Deathstroke has single-handedly faced the Justice League several times.  He's either lost or run away both times, but he's usually always able to get some shots in.  However, we're not counting Identity Crisis because that was one of the biggest steaming piles of garbage to ever come from DC, and is something that's only slightly more bearable to read than every swear word in the world written on the side of a building with roadkill positioned to make the letters.

Lady Shiva, on the other hand, doesn't deal with the Justice League or even the Teen Titans.  She tends to focus on sole martial artists, though she has a long history with the Birds of Prey, both in fighting them multiple times to taking Black Canary's place for a short while.

If the battle is simply the two of them duking it out in an arena, I give the edge to Shiva.  Deathstroke undoubtedly has heard of her and wouldn't underestimate her, but considering Shiva has managed to fight Huntress and Catwoman (at separate times) with one arm literally held to her side and without moving her feet...

...oh, and there was the time she took out Killer Croc with one hand.

Deathstroke has been written as anything from a guy who can manhandle a Green Lantern with ease and demolish a team of seasoned heroes...but he's also the guy who got dropped by Deadshot once (granted, Deadshot is one of the best marksmen in the DCU, but still, one bullet versus an entire team of superheroes?).

Shiva, on the other hand, is much more consistent, making every person she fights use every ounce of their skill to beat her or stalemate her.  Except for that one time Prometheus clocked her and dropped her in one hit, but I'll grant that the whole point of the story was to build him up as being a "bad-ass", y'know, he had downloaded her entire skill set into his brain, so, there is that.

Unless Deathstroke gets his guns, I'd give Shiva seven falls out of ten.  ...that is, unless she simply killed him in the first round.  See, Shiva also, according to comic legend, has a death wish, but she only wants to be killed by someone better than her.  This actually causes her to fight like every battle is her last, because she doesn't want her last to be anything but her best.  Deathstroke might try testing her a few times, looking for weaknesses, but Shiva won't hesitate to go right for the jugular with someone she knows can outlast her, and she, in canon, has a punch that the only people who ever see it are people killed by it.  A guaranteed one hit kill. yeah, I'd give it to the woman whose idea of a good time is to regularly find the best martial artists in the world and fight them to the death on the off chance one can actually take her out.  Skill beats out power, in this instance.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot, it's time for Erik Overthinks Christmas Carols!

This isn't really so much an overthinking moment as an observation:  Wouldn't a song titled "I Saw Three Ships" be better suited for Columbus Day than Christmas?

But I've looked at a map.  The closest body of water to Bethlehem is the Dead Sea, twenty miles away.  How did anyone see three ships that day and what were they doing there?  Dropping off drummer boys?

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